Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ramadhan 1432H

Baru sekarang terasa nk update BLOG. Dah bertahun xjenguk blog ni. Pejam celik pejam celik Ramdhan pun dah nk datang lagi. Rasa teruja sangat nk sambut RAMADHAN kali ni.

"Ya Allah, semoga aku diberi kesempatan untuk menemui Ramadhan kali ini dan Engkau berikanlah kekuatan kepadaku untuk melaksanakan kewajipanku kepadaMu dengan hati yang ikhlas."

Semoga kita semua tidak mensia-siakan peluang yang diberikanNya.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

s.e.s.a.t oleh n.a.t.a.s.h.a

8th apr 2010

meet Dr Chan and he brief me about what there are doing right now...ok no interview...i am lucky gurl :)

then told me about all important person that i shud noe that involve in his project and also his assistants...

meet my supervisor and i have to improve my rp..
make it as a thesis 3 separate chapter...i guess maybe around 60 only 20pgs and i have to submit this tuesday...huhuhuu

went to PTAR 4 to renew my books and funny incident happen...
i shud say that girl was making jokes with me...
she was...
her bf shud shame of what she had doing...
oh, dear...i know u dont hv a car licence...
me n tashi were talking n ngumpating bout her all the way home...
and to be rude, i laughed in front of her...
to show how b***h is her...huh
haish...kanak2 betulla budak tu...

9th apr 2010

meet Dr Chan again and he asked me to assists faizah....
do some stuff and we went to hakim sksn7 to hv our lunch...
menu: mee rojak + air asam boi = terangkat punyer...nyum~ nyum~

went to PTAR 2...
tashi was doing her works..her works was tough bcz of Dr Gurnam strong tashi *hugs *hugs
i borrowed few books that related in my research...
we hv to go back at 4 bcz i hv an appointment with Dr Haslifah and after that i hv to meet my coor Dr Hamidah...
around 3.40 we went down...

this is the time went tashi wanted look for her co-sv room...
the reward of me accompanying her = travel around her new fac...
thats good...
we went upstairs and walk around confidentally to look for Dr Norhana room...
we walked around and walk and walk until tashi said,
"ni dah fac law balik, dah sesat la mashi...jom balik la"
so we went down n that was not a place that we ever went...
it is Fac of  Law office lobby....hahahahaaa
and the tour end with joys in our face...
we need him (tashi's fren *wink*wink) be our tour guide...

thanx tashi for accompanying me past 2 days and thanx for ur accommodation :)) 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

bila kami berdua ~ ~ ~

F.r.i.d.a.y - 020410

Meeting suamiku batal hari ni..blk j cpt2 die ajak  siap nk g Klang..


- bayar lump sum sume balance lorry n now, lorry tu jd hak milik suamiku..Tahniah abang !!
- jpe en man n amek sume dokumen penting..hopefully abang leh 
tolong en man..
- g tengok2 keta idaman abang..hurm..okla..n sepanjang perjalanan abang puji2 lah kete idaman die..nk bodek lah tu..hehe

Sunway Pyramid = part yg paling best!!!

1) kami mmg da lame mengidam nk mkn kt hartz..rindu ny kt salad2 die..bak kate abang "Hantu S.A.L.A.D" ..hehehe..punyala bersungguh2 makan sbb da reserve perut dr thari..kami lumba2 mkn tgk sape lg hebat..hehehe..dialog abang "abang kn abang, mestila abang yg menang"

2) jalan2 then terjumpe small fun fair dlm de bumper car lagi kami pn bersungguh2 la men langgar2 sesama sendiri..series BEST giler!!! thanx abang :))

3) melawat kedai2 mainan [tempat feveret abang]..n kami ade satu aim month hopefully boleh beli...wiiieeeee

4) melawat JUSCO since skang kn tgh sale..hehehehheeee

SeRoNoK sangat !!!!!!!
thanx abang...
love u....mmmmmuuuuaaaahhhhhhhhh

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


ZuRiaT adalah Anugerah & Amanah yg amat BESAR yg dikurniakan oleh ALLAH kepada hambaNya..
tapi ramai yg xsedar & xmenghargai pemberian itu..

anak yg ada dipersia2kn..

anak Biadap dgn Guru/Org tua = takpe, kecik lagi
anak Hisap Rokok = takpe, bkn hisap dadah
anak Melepak = takpe, diorg xmencuri
anak Bersosial Melampau = takpe, bknnye berzina

bila masyarakat mengadu, ramai ibu bapa yg melenting..
tidak mahu mengaku kesalahan anak2 bimbang terserlah kelemahan diri..

bagaimana nk membentuk generasi yg C-e-m-e-r-l-a-n-g andai rebungnya tidak dilentur...

risau sungguh hati ini mengenangkn bakal2 pemimpin akan datang ~ ~

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

lembut hati + baik hati ???

smlm patutny test 1 utk my class tp adela sorg hamba Allah ni call hr isnin merayu2 tukar topic sbb susah...

me = lembut hati + baik hati = "ok nt saya tukar soalan tp sy kt luar sekarang, ptg or mlm br boleh buat soalan baru"...

sbnrny dlm ht marah la jugak...kan da bg tau topic kamis lps, apasal isnin br gtau topic susah, xcover lg, xblaja lg...huh

so,pn. massita yg sgt baik hati + lembut hati ubahlah soalan sikit dgn syarat test mesti SELASA 16th Mar, tiba2 tup tup pg selasa dpt call...

"pn. massita, saya ***** student pn., pn. tukar topic yer? sy dgn kwn2 da study topic yg pn bg kamis lps...boleh x pn bg soalan yg topic aritu?"

mase tu rase terbakar j...budak2 ni...uji keimanan betul...huhuhuhu

tp pn. massita kn baik hati + lembut hati = " ok nt sy buat soalan lain utk student yg xstudy lg"

tp memandangkn pn.massita pn byk kerja, " sy masukkn soalan yg sy penah bg dlm cls n ade soalan pasal bond, ok?"

tup2 thari student call "pn., kami dah konpius nk study ape, boleh x postpone TEST??" = sgt lembut hati + sgt baik hati = "ok tp semua kne dtg ptg ni tau"

akhirnya petang SELASA itu pn.massita bg POP QUIZ 10 soalan semua dr SOA...hahahaha

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


arini da 3x g campus beringin utk jd tutor EPL 180..

me? i think im the smallest in that class..

there are bigger n taller than me..
but they have to call me Pn Massita-->so im look older than them..
if they call me C-i-K, for sure im look so so young~~
eventhough im still young, i have to act like im in middle age, baru la boleh respect..hihihi

mekap sikit npk2 ala2 aish, br la npk mature :))

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ph.D #1

today = end of January 2010...
progress = still bergelumang dgn JouRNaL utk menyiapkn PROPOSAL...
motivation = sgt teruja dgn SPiRiT suami tercinta = beliau sgt byk idea...
mode = still ade rase malas [hate this mode]...huh

have to change my mind set!!!
have to work hard!!!
have to communicate with others!!!
have to be open minded!!!
think out of the box!!!

i can do it!!!